Twenty Years Ago
7-17-88 . . . It will sound distinctly nonfeminist to say this, but many women appear to dress in such a way as to entice males. Moreover, they do it knowingly and intentionally. What else could explain such things as short shorts, miniskirts, bikinis, high heels, lingerie, push-up bras, halter tops, makeup, lipstick, jewelry, and perfume? It seems as plain as day that the whole point of wearing such things is to attract the attention of males. Women want attention, know what it takes to get it, and act accordingly. Men, on the other hand, know that women want attention, know that they know what it takes to get it, and know that they are trying to get it. So it’s a complex situation. Members of each sex know what members of the other sex want. Is it any wonder that when a woman is raped by a man, there is talk that she “deserved it”, or “was asking for it”, or “should have known better”? Sexual attraction is a big game, and like any game it involves a risk of losing.
That’s why I don’t understand why women continue to play the game. Why in the world would a woman wear a miniskirt and high heels, for example, knowing that males will be staring and whistling at her all day? She has to know that this will happen. Why would she reduce herself to an object of male gratification? The only answer is that she likes being treated that way. She can’t very well plead ignorance, for everyone knows about the game. Nor can she have it both ways; she can’t wear the conventionally attractive apparel and claim that she doesn’t want to be noticed. By dressing in a certain way, she is telling everyone to treat her as similarly dressed women are treated. I guess what I’m pointing out is that there are social conventions about how men and women dress at various times. When women want to be noticed, to be treated as sex objects, they put on the uniform, just as Dave Winfield puts on the uniform when he wants to play baseball. That’s its point; that’s what it’s for. Ideally, we would not have such conventions, but in the meantime, we should refuse to play by the conventional rules. Women should stop wearing feminine clothing and accessories.