Twenty Years Ago
4-7-87 . . . I had an interesting discussion with Julia Annas about surrogate motherhood this afternoon. I was talking to Lois Day and Rosalie Burkart in the office when Julia came in. To my surprise, she listened for a few minutes and jumped in. We discussed the recent New Jersey case in which a surrogate mother was deprived of her child, and Julia told us about an even stranger case from South Africa. Apparently, a young couple there donated an egg and sperm for in vitro fertilization and had the embryo implanted in the womb of the woman’s mother. That is, a woman would be bearing her own grandchild! Isn’t that bizarre? Julia found it a bit disgusting, but I see nothing intrinsically wrong with it. It just shows that with advances in technology, new social arrangements are possible. All in all, I enjoyed the discussion. I got to know Julia a bit better and will probably be less nervous during my oral preliminary exam as a result.
Tonight’s philosophy of law seminar concerned moral conservatism, and specifically the claim that when the values of autonomy and community conflict, that of autonomy ought to prevail. This is [Joel] Feinberg’s claim, although I haven’t read his manuscript [Harmless Wrongdoing]. The discussion was lively. Afterward, I corralled Jonathan Kandell to discuss the issue of surrogacy. Jonathan, like me, is a political and social radical, and it turns out that we share a concern with exploitation in surrogate relationships. The discussion moved naturally to feminism. I told Jonathan that, while I hold an ideal of an androgynous society, one in which there are no social differences between males and females, I realize that, practically speaking, this is unrealizable. So I work for other changes, such as the abolition of occupational and educational inequality and the elimination of certain types of thinking. Since language shapes and limits thought, I said, we should perhaps start with language. Now, Jonathan has read more feminist literature than I have, so he filled me in on certain disagreements within the ranks. It turns out that my androgynous ideal is at one end of the spectrum: the extreme end. [Aren’t both ends of a spectrum extreme?]